Beef and Potato Curry

It was my turn to cook dinner one night last week.  I got home to an almost-empty fridge with the only main ingredients left being beef and potato.  I thought this would be a good time to try one of the many recipes I’ve looked at online and went back to this one:
I would usually have added capsicum, broccoli or some other type of colourful vegetable to add a bit of variety, but on this occasion, I had to work with what I had.  It turned out pretty nice… A few extra vegetables would have made it perfect but my husband also enjoyed it and we both had it for lunch as leftovers the next day.

Thanks “Tramie’s Kitchen” for the recipe!

Quick Beef Curry

It was planned that Monday night would be Puppet’s new recipe night to cook something from one of the many recipe books on the shelf, one that they had never had before.
Poppit arrived home after a big day, looked in the fridge to have a sneak peek at what could be on the surprise menu… but there were no new ingredients in sight!  It seemed that Puppet had put his priorities into one of his hobbies for the afternoon and hadn’t got around to thinking about his exciting, new meal.

Well, as there were already lots of fresh veggies and meat in the fridge, it was decided that Puppet’s night for cooking would be pushed forward another night and they could make-do with the ingredients they had planned to use on other nights.  So, there’s nothing new and exciting on the menu tonight but instead an old-time, simple favourite, Beef Curry. 

As our method for making it is rather random, we don’t actually have a recipe for this one.  The main ingredients are beef, onion, beans, capsicum, potato, curry powder and water.  Extra spices, veggies and herbs can be added depending on how you like it.  We also like it with rice and a hot chilli on the side to nibble on as we go!

Quick Beef Curry

(We really need to learn the art of taking photos of our cooking – any tips would be greatly appreciated!)