Fresh Juice Cocktail

On Australia Day this year, as we were both not drinking alcohol, we decided we would try making some fresh juices as a fun and healthy alternative!

This recipe has become one of our favourites.  As we don’t have a juicer, we just use our blender and add some soda water and ice to increase the liquid content (as there’s still so much fibre left with blending, it’s a good idea to add either some extra juice, ice or soda water).

For this one, we added fresh apples, pears, lemon juice, lime juice, ginger, soda water and ice.  Easy and very refreshing!


Fish Fillet with Lemon, Dill and Caper Sauce

This recipe was absolutely amazing!  I felt like fresh fish for dinner and thought that a dill and caper sauce would be perfect.  I quick look through the website and I found this one.  I used Nile Perch which didn’t have an overpowering flavour and was complimented well by the sauce.

Chicken & Veggie Rice Paper Rolls

The long-awaited end to my hiatus is finally over!  I’m so sorry for taking this long to post again but I do have valid reasons!  Firstly, we moved house.  That in itself is a huge task which look about two weeks out of my cooking time.  When we were finally moved and settled, out internet took another three weeks to get connected and working!  So here I am again, finally!  I promise there will be a lot more cooking from here on.

This first meal to begin with after my time away is something I have been making to take for lunch at work.  I am in love with these rolls and they’re super healthy too!  If you don’t want to add the chicken, they’re just as nice with just veggies and seriously, try mixing it up with all your favourite veggies too!
I have three of these for lunch – usually two with chicken and one with just veggies.  It’s great for my lunch-time protein but I don’t get bloated as the rice paper is a great substitute for bread or bread rolls.

In these ones, I’ve used capsicum, zucchini, carrot, chicken and some crushed raw almonds on top.  Add whatever you like though!  You just buy the rice paper from the grocery store.  I soak mine for about 10 seconds in a bowl of warm water and then put it on a teatowel.  You have to quickly add everything into the middle of it – so have it all cut and prepared beforehand.  Once you’ve got it all placed in the middle, roll one side over, then the middle sides and then keep rolling the whole thing until it’s a long roll.

I also make a dipping sauce which is just delicious! 
1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp rice wine vinegar, some dried mixed herbs and some pepper.  Once again, I’m sure you could use/make whatever you like best.  Experiment!

Upcoming Post

Stay tuned for a post on how to easily incorporate vegetables into all meals.  I’m just amazed at the excuses people come up with in relation to why they don’t eat enough veggies.  I couldn’t imagine how bad I would feel health-wise if I didn’t eat enough fruit and veg.  With so many easy options, there’s no reason for anyone to miss out on the nutrients and health benefits found in vegetables.  A new post on that coming soon!